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Available Camps

Offering traditional & high adventure programming from kindergarten through high school.


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Available Camps

Offering traditional & high adventure programming from kindergarten through high school.



Summer Camp Recap video- 2024



Summer Camp Dates and Programs 2025

New Adventures

- Grades k-2 (completed)

New Adventures is a full camp week for those ready for great camp experiences. We’ll have some fun bible studies, campfires, worship, crafts, hiking, and time in the swimming pool. You’ll meet new friends and spend time with our amazing counselors building memories and learning great camp songs. Come on, let’s have some fun!!!

*must be at least 6 years old

Dates Offered: June-15 - June-20/ Jul-6 - July-11 (Sunday evening Check-in through Friday 3-5 PM Check-out)

Cost: $350



– Grades 3rd-4th (completed)

Discover more adventure with all the traditional camp activities plus the climbing tower, archery, and canoeing on Highlandtown Reservoir. We have great bible studies planned to help us learn about God’s journey for us. We’ll also do some s’mores and hot dog cookouts as well as fun hikes exploring the creeks and trails. Don’t forget pool time and snacks at the Snack Shack! Come make new friends and amazing memories that will last forever!

Dates Offered: June 15 - June-20/June 22- June-27/July 6 - July-11/ Jul-13 - July 18 (Sunday evening Check-in through Friday 3-5 PM Check-out)

Cost: $370



– Grades 5th-6th (completed)

The journey continues with the chance to go canoeing down the Beaver River. Find adventure on the climbing wall, rappelling tower, and zip line. You will have some special time learning camping skills and cooking over a fire. You will also enjoy exciting Bible studies in the woods and along the streams. You will make new friends and create some great memories. You won’t want to miss what we have planned for you!

Dates Offered: June 15 - June 20/ June-22- June 27/ July-6 - July 11/ Jul-13 - July 18 (Sunday evening Check-in through Friday 3-5 PM Check-out)

Cost: $425


Ultimate Challenge

– Grades 7th-9th (completed)

Adventure awaits you for a week away! Whitewater raft on the Youghiogheny River, camp at Ohiopyle, PA for one night, and caving at Laurel Caverns the next day. Have fun on the zipline back at camp, and enjoy the pool, archery, and other camp activities. Of course, this is all wrapped around great bible studies, campfire conversations, and special worship. You don’t want to miss this adventure!

Dates Offered: June-15 - June-20/ June-22- June-27/ July-6 - July-11/ Jul-13 - July-18 (Sunday evening Check-in through Friday 3-5 PM Check-out)

Cost: $495



– Grades 8th-10th (completed)

Next-level adventure awaits you in this exciting new week of camp! Bike the Allegany trail from Pittsburgh to Ohiopyle, PA, and raft the Youghiogheny River in a jam-packed half-week of camp. This camp will surely challenge you and create some amazing memories all the while growing in your faith! Let’s ride!! See you on the trail.

Dates Offered: June-29 - Jul-2 (Sunday evening Check-in 3-5 PM through Wednesday 5 PM Check-out)

Cost: $325


Day Camp

– Grades K – 4th (completed)

Start your Camp Frederick camp experience by coming to Day Camp. You’ll learn songs, hike along the creek, meet new friends, learn about God’s love for each of us, and just have a lot of FUN! Camp is Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. (lunch is included).

Dates Offered: June-16 - June-20/ June-23- June-27/ Jul-07- July-11/ July-14- July-18

Cost: $160


Mini Camp

– Grades K – 2nd (completed)

Hey kids, do you want to have a short experience at camp? Two nights, three days. You will get to do more activities, make new friends, and meet those wonderful counselors who are here to make sure you have fun! Campfires, evening worship, crafts, and hiking are some of the activities to expect. Give it a try and then you’ll want to come back for a long week of camp.

Dates Offered:

June-29-- July-2

(Check-in 3-5 PM Check out 3 PM)

Cost: $185


Servant Camp

– Grades 6th – 12th(completed)

Be a part of something bigger than yourself! Servant week is an amazing opportunity for you to enjoy the adventure of summer camp while making an impact in others’ lives. Coordinate with your Church group or sign up on your own. This is a great chance to make your summer matter!

Dates Offered: June-22 - June-27 / July-13 - July-18 Cost: $330


Family Camp!

– All ages welcome!

Make lasting memories with family camp style! So many great activities and opportunities for adventure here at Camp Frederick. Grow in your faith and family as you spend a part of your week away!

Dates Offered: Jul-02 - July-05 Cost: Register through the camp office for custom pricing based on family size. 330.227.3633


Good Grief Camp

- For Ages 8-15

Grief camp is designed to integrate therapeutic activities with the fun and adventure of camp to provide children with the skill sets and support to deal with the loss of a loved one.

Dates Offered: July 20-25

Cost: (all camp fees are provided. An application is required for this camp)

*Please contact the camp office for an Application and Sign up Availability - Camp Office: 330-227-3633*


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Summer Camp FAQ's 

  1. How long has Camp Frederick Been operating?
    Camp Frederick was Established in 1966.

  2. What certification does the camp have?
    Camp Frederick is accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA). ACA provides standards that a camp must meet to be accredited by them.

  3. What qualifications/experience does the director/lead staff have?
    Director – Bachelor’s degree in Christian Education with Youth Ministry certificate- Taylor University- 1999 grad. Ministry experience as Youth Director at Struthers Presbyterian Church as well as Non-Profit experience as a Campus Life Director with Youth for Christ. I also come with a background in excavation and plumbing management. Both my wife and I have a broad experience in working with and planning camps and are passionate about outdoor ministry.

  4. What is the Camps's Philosophy?
    To provide a camp experience for youth that will build them up as leaders informed by their faith.

  5. How does camp benefit my child?
    Camp provides a place for your child to grow as a member of a community as well as develop spiritually, emotionally and develop self-confidence by trying new experiences and pushing themselves.

  6. When will I receive a call home, what if my child gets sick?
    If your child has any of the following symptoms we will call you and your child will need to go home for the safety of the other children and may only return to camp with a doctor’s note.

    • Fever over 101° F

    • Red swollen painful throat or tonsils not relieved by acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or cepacol lozenges

    • Headache not relieved by medication or rest

    • Productive cough not relieved by Guaifenisim

    • Vomiting more than twice

    • Diarrhea more than 3 times in one day

    • Rash that is “spreading” or that resembles a contagious condition (ex. Ringworm)

    • Any injury requiring specialized treatment such as a severe burn cut requiring stitches, severe sprain, or possible broken bone

    • Any time camper needs to go to urgent care or emergency transport is used

    • If an incident report form needed to be filled out

  7. Where will my child be staying while at camp?
    The youngest group of children typically stay in our Lodge. As they get older they stay in cabins up the hill and then the cabins in the upper field. If you wish to visit please attend our open house or call (330-227-3633) and set up a tour.

  8. Can I call my child while at camp?
    Although we understand the desire to call your child we discourage calls from home while at camp. Once a child is immersed in the camp experience, a call from home may disrupt this and bring homesickness to the forefront. To learn more about homesickness read our Tips for Preventing Homesickness. We also don’t allow cell phones while at camp. In this technological age, it’s a real gift to your child to give them a week away from technology. If there is an emergency and your child needs to be notified please call the camp office at 330-227-3633.

  9. What if my child gets homesick?
    Each counselor is trained to handle homesickness. Our goal is to help the camper reach the end of the week to help build confidence in themselves. However, if we feel to stay at camp would do more harm than good we will call home and if need be the camper can be picked up.

  10. Can I write letters to my child while at camp?
    Feel free to write to your child while at camp. Please be sure to not write about any major changes going on at home, or how terribly you miss them. These topics can cause anxiety that everything is changing at home without them or guilt that they’re not at home with you. The address to mail to is:
    Attn: Campers Name
    Camp Frederick
    6996 Millrock Rd.
    Rogers, OH 44455

  11. What should my child pack?
    Please see our Pack List of what to bring and not bring. If you have any questions please call the office 330-227-3633 and we’ll be happy to help.

  12. How do you hire staff? Are they qualified?
    We attend college recruitment fairs in and around Ohio. All staff go through an interview before being hired and must pass background checks (FBI, BCI, and a check of NSOPW). We also do 2 weeks of staff training before any campers arrive that covers everything from how to light a campfire to emergency procedures and everything in between. All staff are certified in First Aid and CPR during staff training.

  13. How does my child get their medication while at camp?
    If your child takes any medication please send the medication with the child in the original bottle. At check-in during the health screening, the medication will be collected by the staff and put in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name on it. The health screener will review dosage and medication times with you during the screening and write up a medication chart that will go with the medication. Staff will give them their medication based on this chart along with any special instructions provided. Every time medications are given it is documented. Based on the health form provided staff will give over-the-counter medications as needed (ex. Tylenol for headache). All medications are locked in the health room with the exception of rescue inhalers and epi-pens. Rescue inhalers and epi-pens are given to your child’s counselor to carry with them at all times.

  14. My child has food allergies, who should I tell?
    If your child has any food allergies or special dietary needs (like vegetarian) please put this in their health form so we know what their need is prior to camp. We will do our best to accommodate your child’s needs. We may call you to get more specific information on their allergies or dietary restrictions.

  15. What is the camper return rate at Camp Frederick?
    Camp Frederick has about a 60% return rate for campers.

  16. What is the discipline policy?
    At the beginning of camp, each cabin group creates a group covenant which they all have input on and sign. This outlines agreed-upon rules for their interaction with each other while at camp. In addition, we also have our overall camp rules. The group covenant sets the stage for proper behavior at camp and allows the camper to take ownership of their actions. Misconduct is not tolerated at camp however, we try to use any misconduct as an opportunity for a teachable moment with the camper rather than just saying “don’t do that”.

  17. How do we handle conflict?
    Each camper gives their side of the story and we then coach them through handling their conflict.

  18. We can’t afford camp, what do we do?
    No problem. We have a Campership Fund which is dedicated to helping youth attend camp. Please fill out our Campership Fund Form. For assistance contact the office 330-227-3633 or email

If you have further questions please contact the office at 330-227-3633 or